Demo Auction System

Bidding information

RTAM Hour Glass LOGO

How the bidder's page works

The system will automatically keep track of the lots you have bid on. When you sign in, you will be presented with a screen showing the current status of the lots you have bid on.

The lot number, the lot description, your last high bid and the current high bid will be displayed. If you have a Left bid, then your last bid value is displayed in Blue.
If you are NOT the current high bid, the entire line will appear in Red and there will also be a bidding box with the next acceptable minimum bid for that lot.
When a bidding box appears on the line, your bid is NOT the high bid. Although your last bid may be equal to the current high bid, another bid for the same amount was placed earlier than your bid, making another bidder the current high bid. You must raise the bid to the next minimum amount before being the winning bidder.

When you want to raise a bid, fill in the box next to the appropriate lot(s) with your next bid and click on the "Enter Bids" box near the bottom of the bidder's page. You may raise the bid on one or all of the lots at one time. Below the list of lots you have bid on is a box where you can bid on a lot you have not yet bid on. Fill in the lot number and the bid you want to make, then click on the "Enter Bids" button.

There is a 10 percent buyer's premium added to all successful bids.

Remember, if you see a bidding box next to a lot, then you are NOT the high bid and you must bid again if you want to win the lot. If there is No bidding box, then you are the high bid and you need not bid on that lot again.

Check the Call Back box if you want the auctioneer to call you back to raise the bid if you are not the high bidder. Once you have checked the call back box, the box will stay checked until the auctioneer clears it (you can not clear it).
At the bottom of the form is a field for the Call Back Phone Number, this field should be filled in if you want to be Called Back. Filling in the Call Back Phone Number Field guarantees that the auctioneer knows how to reach you.

By clicking the mouse on the box at the top of the page marked "Press here to get updated Bids", you will get a new bid sheet with the bidding status updated for all the lots you have actively bid on.

Results of bidding

After you submit your bid sheet, a new bid sheet is returned to you. This bid sheet will show the results of all your bids at the top of the page.
The Results and what they mean:

Lot # , $ 123 - Accepted
- Your bid is the high bid

- No More Bidding Allowed

Lot: # - Rejected LOT NOT FOUND
- Unknown lot number

Lot: # - Rejected LOT WITHDRAWN
- Withdrawn lot number

Lot: # - REJECTED - Bidding Conflict - BID AGAIN
- Another bid is being accepted at this moment, you must place a bid higher than the new current bid

Lot: # - Only Minimum Raise Recorded
- Your bid was lowered to the minimum bid, but your Left bid is kept on file to be bid competitively.

Left: # - Lot Bid Changed
- You have Successfully modified your Left Bid amount.

Lot: # - OUT BID by Left Bid
- A previously Left Bid is equal to or larger than your bid

- Current bid was not changed

Bid ADJUSTED to $ 123 (the next raise increment) for Lot # - Accepted
- Your bid has been posted at the amount shown

Lot: #, $ 123 - REJECTED Bid Not High Enough - Minimum = $ 125
- Bid was not high enough. The bid must be at least the minimum amount shown

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Version 6.05
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