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Premier Auction # 180

Catalog for Auction # 180
Closing Monday February 24th, 2025 at 10 PM EST

Auction Local Time: Feb 22, 2025 12:26:40 EST
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Catalog Lots 1 to 25

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1. "DINGENS / NAPOLEON COCKTAIL BITTERS - DINGENS BROTHERS / BUFFALO, N.Y.", (Ring/Ham, N-3), New York, ca. 1865 - 1875, yellow with good olive tone figural drum, 10 3/8"h, iron pontil, applied tapered collar mouth.

Perfect condition.

Nice shading of color from a deeper center area to lighter sides and foot. Attractive swirls of glass can be seen in most of the bottle. Great impression which oftentimes can be weak. This mould is found in four or five different colors (all considered to be scarce to rare) and a real challenge to acquire all! Of those known colors this could be the most difficult to obtain.

15 $ 8,500

2. "DAVID ANDREWS' / VEGETABLE / JAUNDICE / BITTERS / PROVIDENCE / R.I.", (Ring/Ham, A-57), Rhode Island, ca. 1840 - 1860, aqua tombstone form, 8 1/4"h, open pontil, applied tapered collar mouth.

A few spots of minor wear are just above the base.

Tiny flaws aside this is an exceptional example with plenty of glass whittle and in an attractive 'tombstone' form. Considered to be one of Rhode Island’s more popular bottles!

7 $ 1,200

3. "T. MORRIS PEROT / & CO. - DRUGGISTS - PHILAD'A", Pennsylvania, (Odell, pg. 227), ca. 1845 - 1860, light cobalt blue, 4 3/4"h, open pontil, inward rolled lip.

About perfect condition.

This bottle occurs in three sizes with this being the smallest, none are readily available, and all are in this pleasing cobalt color.

2 $ 325

4. "P. WILLIAMSON / & SON - NO. 298 S. 2D. ST. - PHILAD.A", (unlisted), Pennsylvania, ca. 1840 - 1860, clear glass, 4 5/8"h, open pontil, inward rolled lip, an 85% original label in part reads: 'Williamson's Pectoral, Prepared and sold only at Williamson's Drug & Chemical Store, No. 298 S. Second St., Philadelphia'.

The bottle is perfect.

4 $ 160

5. "DR. MORGAN - THE GREAT / AMERICAN / HERB / TONIC - PHILADELPHIA", (unlisted), Pennsylvania, ca. 1865 - 1875, yellowish amber semi-cabin, 10"h, smooth base, applied double collar mouth.

Pristine perfect condition.

An extreme rarity.

Although not embossed with the word Bitters, the form, color and embossing layout is a strong indication that in all likelihood this is a labeled bitters bottle.

11 $ 1,500

6. "UNION" / CLASPED HANDS / "L.F & CO" - EAGLE WITH BANNER / "PITTSBURGH, PA", (GXII-13), Pittsburgh District Glass Works, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, ca. 1855 - 1870, medium amber quart, smooth base, applied ringed mouth.

Perfect condition!

Extremely bold impression, some glass and trapped air bubbles. A prime example with no wear or scratches and a scarce color for this mould!

1 $ 400

7. "UNION" / CLASPED HANDS / "OLD RYE" - EAGLE "A & D.H.C." (inside banner) / "PITTSBURGH", (GXII-9), A. & D.H. Chambers Glass Works, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, ca. 1855 - 1870, light to medium citron quart, smooth base, applied mouth.

Pristine perfect.

Rare desirable mold and color, very clean and having no trace of wear, looks like it was just made!

The letters 'JBS' (inside a circle) stamped on the base is for 'Jim's Bottle Shop'. Jim Wentzel was a major dealer of bottles and flasks from the late 1960s until his death in 1979. He attended most of the major shows in the Northeast and Central States. He had a well stocked bottle shop at Ardsley-on-Hudson, just north of New York City. All the bottles in the shop had this stamp.

0 $ 800 *

8. "DR. VAN DEUSEN'S / AGUE BITTERS / SPRINGFIELD ILL", (Ring/Ham, V-6), Illinois, ca. 1850 - 1860, bluish aqua, 8"h, iron pontil, applied double collar mouth.

Some lengthy external scratches are mostly on label panels. And a minor 'in-making' chip is on the edge of the applied collar at the neck.

This one must be extremely rare as we can find no auction listing for it!

7 $ 850

9. "MANFGD BY R.P. BURWELL (around the shoulder) / BURGUNDY BITTERS / TRADE (motif of a shield with three fleur-de-lis) MARK / REGISTERED", (Ring/Ham, B-266), Virginia, ca. 1890 - 1895, medium amber, cylindrical form, 8 3/8"h, smooth base, tooled lip.

Lightly cleaned but retains a few light scratches.

Rated as extremely rare (we found only two auction records). Patent No. 21,637 was filed July 3, 1892, and was issued to Robert Pichett Burwell of Richmond, Virginia.

1 $ 250

10. "CHAMPLIN - DRUGGIST - BUFFALO, N.Y.", (unlisted), New York, ca. 1840 - 1860, bluish aqua, 6 1/2"h, open pontil, applied double collar mouth, a 97% original label in part reads: 'Champlin's Xylophlorium, or Ne plus ultra Hair Invigorator and Restorative. O.H. Champlin, Buffalo, N.Y.'.

Perfect condition.

3 $ 160

11. "ALLEGHANY / STOMACHIC / CORDIAL - B.M & E.A. / WHITLOCK & CO. / OWNERS / N.Y.", (unlisted), New York, ca. 1850 - 1860, bluish aqua, tapered 'wedge' form, 9 1/4"h, iron pontil, applied double collar mouth.

A minor chip is off the outer edge of the lip, otherwise in pristine 'attic' found condition and full of tiny trapped air bubbles.

This is an extremely rare bottle that could be classified as a medicine or a medicinal liquor. The tapered form is quite rare seen on only a very few bottles, most notably the St. Nicholas Stomach Bitters.

The Whitlock Company was very innovative in the style of bottles they had made, that included a barrel form and several different handled whiskies. Benjamin M. and Edward Whitlock were in New York City at 13 Beekman Street in 1861 and at 132 Nassau in 1863. In "The Old Merchants of New York", William Barrett described the Whitlocks as being "Southern Sympathizers".

1 $ 750

12. "NATIONAL / BITTERS", (Ring/Ham, N-8), Pennsylvania, ca 1867 - 1875, light pinkish gasoline ear of corn, 12 5/8"h, "PATENT / 1867" on smooth base, applied double collar mouth.

A tiny flake is off the outer edge of the lip, otherwise this 'attic' found beauty is in perfect condition.

This is an extremely rare and exceptional color for a National Bitters, and one that when placed alongside the common shades of amber or even the deeper color puce examples shows off its really 'eye popping' color!

1 $ 2,500

13. EAGLE WITH BANNER - MAN WALKING / RIFLE / "DRAFTED" (inside a banner), (GII-140), probably Midwestern or Pittsburgh District Glass Works, ca 1863, light citron green pint, smooth base, applied ring mouth.

Perfect condition, but some glass extruded through the mould seam at the neck.

Rated as being extremely rare in aqua, but even more so in this unlisted color!

During the Civil War the Union required more manpower to continue the fight. To increase its numbers in July of 1863 Congress passed this nation's first draft or "compulsory service in the federal military" as it was referred to. Unless married, all men between the ages of 20 to 45 were eligible. However, several exemptions were available, the most unpopular being that anyone drafted could simply pay $300.00 to be relieved of the obligation. The lower classes of draftees resisted resulting in draft riots in many of the larger Northeastern cities, most notable in New York City where the riot lasted four days. The flask depicts a "Drafted" man with travel bag walking toward his possible death, a rifle with mounted bayonet.

14 $ 3,750

14. "BALTIMORE" ANCHOR / "GLASS WORKS" - SHEAF OF GRAIN, (GXIII-52), Baltimore Glass Works, Baltimore, Maryland, ca. 1855 - 1865, medium cobalt blue calabash, tubular open pontil, applied double collar mouth.

A couple of very light scratches are all that keeps it from getting a pristine perfect condition rating.

Very bold impression and highly desirable blue color that has a better density of color then a few others we've seen.

One of only a few calabash type flasks blown in cobalt blue glass and a real center piece in any calabash collection!

4 $ 4,250

15. "ST / DRAKE'S / 1860 / PLANTATION / X / BITTERS - PATENTED / 1862", (Ring/Ham, D-110), New York, ca. 1862 - 1875, medium yellow with amber and olive tones 4-log cabin, 10 1/4"h, smooth base, applied tapered collar mouth.

Perfect "attic" found condition and with a wickedly strong impression!

Yes, it's a common bottle, but this is an exceptional example and in a better than normal color.

1 $ 275

16. Igloo Ink, "J. & I. E. M.", (Faulkner, pg. 98), Massachusetts, ca. 1860 - 1870, light citron color, 1 3/4"h (at the lip), two raised beads are on a smooth base, sheared and tool finished lip.

Pristine perfect condition.

This is the 'big' letter embossed variant and is a scarce color for this mould. Here's a prime example!

7 $ 425

17. Freeblown 'Seahorse' Scent Bottle, (Sandwich Glass plate 5184), (McK/Wil, plate 102), American, possibly Sandwich Glass Works, Sandwich, Massachusetts ca. 1820 - 1835, opaque milk glass with twisted yellow, maroon, green and cobalt blue alternating threads, 2 1/2"h, pontil scarred base, hand formed twisted tail and two bands of applied cogglewheeled rigaree.

Perfect condition!

Scarce opaque body and rarely seen multicolored threads.

10 $ 700

18. "WISTER'S / CLUB HOUSE", (Denzin, WIS-11), American, ca. 1865 - 1870, medium blue green, tapered gin form, 9 3/4"h, iron pontil, applied tapered collar mouth.

Pristine perfect condition. Some glass whittle and strings of tiny air bubbles.

For collectors of early embossed American gin bottles the Watson collection is a treasure trove of rare and important examples.

23 $ 4,500

19. SUNBURST Flask, (GVIII-1), Keene Glass Works, Keene, New Hampshire, ca. 1815 - 1835, medium shading to a deeper emerald green pint, pontil scarred base, sheared and tooled lip.

Fine example with only a hint of wear on the center rings.

Nice impression and rarely seen in this deep green color and different from the more available blue green examples.

14 $ 1,400

20. "DURAND / & / TOURTELOT - PHARMACEUTISTS - PHILADA.", (unlisted), Pennsylvania, ca. 1840 - 1860, aqua, 5 1/2"h, open pontil, applied tapered collar, a 90% original label in part reads: 'Durand & Tourtelot Concentrated Essence of Jamaica Ginger. Prepared only by Durand & Tourtelot, Pharmaceutists, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia'.

The bottle is perfect.

5 $ 170

21. "DR. LANGLEY'S / ROOT & HERB / BITTERS / 76 UNION ST. / BOSTON", (Ring/Ham, L-26), Massachusetts, ca. 1855 - 1865, light to medium apple green color, 7"h, smooth base, applied mouth.

A tiny flake is off the top of the lip and a patch of slight content haze.

Scarce green color and completely full of various size attractive air bubbles.

15 $ 450

22. "DR. - W.N. HANDY - EASTON, N.Y.", (unlisted), New York, ca. 1855 - 1865, deep olive green, 12-sided, 8 7/8"h, smooth base, applied lip.

An internal open bubble can be seen behind the 'Eas' embossing and a pinhead in size flake is off a panel edge.

A very rare bottle with good glass whittle and eye appealing multisided form. Probably less than five are thought to exist. Believed to have been blown at the Mt. Pleasant Glass Works (only 30 miles West of Easton).

18 $ 2,000

23. "BERTINGUIOT", (Faulkner, pg. 179), (Covill, fig. 575), New England, ca. 1840 - 1860, medium olive yellow color, 2 1/8", pontil scarred base, sheared and tooled lip.

Perfect condition full of tiny air bubbles and in a considerably lighter than normal color.

This example has a very good impression, an important feature on this ink which often is so weak it becomes illegible.

14 $ 300

24. Cathedral Pickle Jar, (Zumwalt, pg. 457), American, ca. 1855 - 1870, medium blue green, 12 1/2"h, smooth base, outward rolled lip.

Perfect condition.

This is the mould that has a diamond pattern on three of the four panels. A big good looking jar in both color and embossing.

6 $ 375

25. "CLASS / OF / 1846 / W" (on an applied seal) / "PATENT" (on the shoulder), American, ca. 1846, yellowish olive-green cylinder, 11 1/8"h, "DYOTTVILLE GLASS WORKS PHILA" on an iron pontiled base, applied double collar mouth and seal.

Perfect condition.

To read about the fascinating history of this bottle go to the Federation of Historical Bottles Collectors web site. Look for the July/August 2014 issue of Bottles & Extras magazine.

20 $ 1,300
                                       * means Reserve Not Met                      * means Minimum Bid
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